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Ying Quliang/Wei Yang (both slash and gen)

咸阳望断  (Also on tieba)

[大秦][青山松柏]泾渭分明 (Also on ZHD.)


[大秦帝国][青山松柏]歧路 (It's 【青山松柏】远游 on tieba)

[大秦帝国][青山松柏]片段 (Also on ZHD)

[大秦帝国/架空][青山松柏]参谋不带长 (Abandoned by author before they even meet)

(大秦帝国同人)《倾国之恋》 (Pr0n, yeah, basically. It got locked on jj, censored into swiss cheese in the tieba, but might still be intact on zonghengdao.)

  大秦帝国同人 郎心似铁-跨越千年的追寻 (Space AU + body switch with OCs)

(先秦)君臣相知 (Still hoping for the author to continue this one. :<)

  鹤鸣(大秦)  (Unfinished longfic, but ends at a reasonable spot. Also on tieba.)

把爪给我 (Uh.)


  卫鞅野史 (Also on tieba.)

 〖咸阳情殇〗  大秦秘史之咸阳情殇 (also Ying Si/Zhang Yi)

  流年(青山松柏) (Modern-day detective reincarnation AU, some related ficlets here)

望秦川 (Has a bit of an original BL novel feel to it. Comes with some more fic-style 番外s at the end.)


(Also tieba and ZHD.)


(Also on




【授转】长梦(秦孝公/商鞅)BY 第五祠琳


【大秦帝国/青山松柏偏粮食】胜焰_陌上桑(Also on ZHD)


【大秦/青山松柏/偏粮食】残阳如血 by zhaoshan

【大秦/卫鞅同人】千秋岁 by 清修纳言

【授权转载/青山松柏/ALL鞅】与君难——商君篇 by 殇夏

【授权转载/青山松柏】青山松柏祭 by 明空 (Also on ZHD.)

【大秦/青山X松柏/公子昂X卫鞅】《河西》-瞳箬 (also Wei Ang/Wei Yang, but not that shippy.)

【大秦/青山松柏】秦孝公二十四年-多情追惜 (incomplete, that I remember)




[大秦/青山松柏](拜坛)秦娥梦记 (Nue as all heck.)


Ying Si/Wei Yang




Wei Yang/Ying Quliang (because pairing order is srs business = =)

 不负君 (Surprisingly sweet in between the porn<_<;) Edit: 这里 还有一部分但是肉那部分隐藏了。。。而且论坛好像不能注册了。。。

Wei Yang/Ying Fusu (yes this pairing is legit)



【大秦帝国/偏粮食,混乱CP】无题 完 (起名无能,据说是亲情文 ..



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